To be continued...

And now, a short blurb from yours truly, Melvyn...

I started working on the writing for HEAD>HEELZ on Oct 28, 2022, it's been almost two years since I committed to this project. Two Very Long years, might I add, considering all the utter Crap I went through during the process. Recovering from a friendship fallout and loss of my social group, going through a minor car crash, and receiving the news that my deadbeat father died suddenly, the last two years have been life changing to say the least. I've also been dealing with an injury in my arm and back since the 2020 pandemic started, which I was finally able to "manage" my pain only for it to be exacerbated from the freaking car crash. Shit's been Tough, but I continue to persevere.

When I started the comic I was under the innocent assumption that my ideas would be easy to execute in less than a year. Mind you, this is my first comic, so naturally I'm not as Acquainted with the process compared to somebody within the industry. During my research on making comics I found that in a "professional" setting (whatever that means) the work is broken into Chunks for various people to work on. Writer, illustrator, editor, publisher, etc, these are often done by Different individuals. Now as for the situation with my comic, I'm just one dude. There's only one Melvyn available to work on HEAD>HEELZ, and an occasional Ian to help with the code for my website and inserting dialogue into speech bubbles. 95% of the work put into this was my own doing. I say this to illustrate that Comics Don't Happen Overnight AND IN FACT possibly require a small army if anyone wishes for their comic to actually get finished in a timely manner (yet again, whatever that means).

I'm only halfway finished with the story I wish to tell, but I'm trying to stay positive about it. I'm proud of what I've managed to scribble, even if it's rough around the edges. Considering the circumstances I come from and the events of the last few years I think I'm doing pretty well for myself. At the very least, I'm having fun, and I feel this is what making art is about.

Lastly, I wanted to say Thank You for sticking around if you've been following since I started this project. I really do appreciate the kind comments I've received on my art and the comic. Sometimes I forget that other people DO CARE about what I'm making, and in fact want to see more. It feels surreal, to have strangers from across the globe acknowledge my existence in a way I feel people in my personal life do not. I forget that I'm not a total loser I guess lol.

ANYWHO I hope you've enjoyed reading this preview for HEAD>HEELZ and will stick around for the next update.