lesbian stoner romcom about a cosplay spell gone wrong, decapitation, and a sexy mom.
70 pages in black and white,
currently in the works.

Witch in training, art school drop out, and long-time erotic art appreciator, Flog's the kind of girl who isn't afraid to be herself. She’s
currently lavishing in the neet lifestyle while taking time away from her studies, during which she managed to
amass a large vintage porn magazine collection. Most days, Flog can be found broom cruising in other dimensions
or getting blazed out of her gourd while altering thrifted clothes. She doesn’t have much luck in
relationships, as she has a “decapitation” problem.

Recently fired, Argyle used to be a teacher’s assistant for a local preschool
until word got out that she was in a relationship with the schools fundraiser director, a rather wealthy lady
in her 50s. Weaning herself from her “mommy lust” as she calls it, Argyle gained a sudden interest in
witchcraft, hoping to conjure all the Burberry she could ever want. Typically, folks like Flog aren’t her
type, but her eagerness to mentor was too amusing to pass up. As far as Argyle knows, her weekend could be
indefinite, so a night with an otherworldly stranger is worth the possible risk.